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Soiled: Cloudscrapers N. 05

Soiled: Cloudscrapers N. 05

Soiled: Cloudscrapers N. 05



Soiled: Cloudscrapers N. 05

Cartogram Architecture

SKU S03686

Cloudscrapers looks up into air-space as a site for activated atmospheres, a privileged perch, and otherworldly occupation. Clouds are prone to be felt (sensually), reflected upon (intellectually), and seen (visually and representationally). In turn, Cloudscrapers’ stories indulge cloud precipitating, cloud pondering, and cloud watching. They explore the relationship between the built and the diffuse. Can built objects exercise control in the aerial environment where everything is fluid, inter-connected, and treacherous to hang on to? What types of human encounters are uniquely aerial, and how might we best appreciate their elusive spatial ramifications? Akin to previous issues of SOILED, Cloudscrapers condenses ideas that might waft off the printed page and into the physical environment. Batten down the hatches, we’re in for a doozy!

55 pp. Cl paperback